How to Improve Your Interviewing Skills


You have a certain skill-set, and that is your expertise - not interviewing.

Until today.

We built our Interview Training Simulators because too many job applicants wait to experience an interview until they are on the spot, interviewing. Job seekers regret their lack of practice and preparation within seconds of beginning their interviews.

When you sign up for Candidate Club you gain access to insight from a team that has screened tens of thousands of resumes, conducted thousands of interviews, observed countless mistakes, and they are people that have made decisions on who to hire - and not hire.

And you get to use this all to your advantage! Where else do you have this insider insight?


Candidate Club’s Interview Training Simulators supply you with interactive interview questions and common answers before your real-life interview. After answering each question you are presented a high-quality video providing you feedback and training after each question. The feedback you receive is deep, and packed full of helpful insights to the interview questions.

We give you what today’s Hiring Professionals are thinking, looking for, and processing during your job interview. 

Today, at Candidate Club, you can experience your interview before your first real interview!



Interviewing is a learned skill that takes practice, preparation and experience. For many job seekers, the unfortunate truth is that interview experience is learned through mistakes, during the interview.

With each simulator, you are presented with an important interview question and offered multiple, frequently used answers. After answering the question, you are given the correct answer, feedback in text or video form featuring industry-leading insider insight.

What others are saying about our Interview Training:


United States

“I have been using Candidate Club’s material for two weeks and I can say I already feel so much more confident! It is very user friendly and has a lot of great information. I’ve been able to prepare myself adequately for my upcoming interview! I would 100% recommend Candidate Club for anyone!”


Casper, WY

“With the help of Candidate Club I felt more prepared than ever for my upcoming interview. I had been in the same job for 7 years and was ready for a change, but hadn’t had experience interviewing since then! Going into my interview I felt confident and equipped with the tools I needed to rock my interview and land my next (and hopefully last) career job!”



Hamlin, WV

“I was prepping for my first in-person interview in about 10 years. Candidate Club breaks down the process in a manner that makes it easy to follow and relate your experiences to along the way. offers in-depth interview training packages along with templates and tips to streamline your experience. Everyone prepping for job searches and interviews should check out this resource. It’s a great value add!”


Dallas, TX

"This helped a ton for my upcoming interview, but I honestly think I would have gotten a better job I applied for 5 months ago if I would have used Candidate Club then. After working through the training I'm realizing a couple things I've been doing wrong. Thanks for interview training for the real world.”



Charleston, WV

“I feel like I’m all trained up for my interview and much more confident. The training and practice at candidate club made a huge difference in my understanding of interview technique, best practices and strategies. Thank you.”


Madison, WI

“Decided to give this a try and I’m glad I did. After 6 weeks of interviews and job hunting I’m excited to share that I accepted a great offer. Seeing the interview questions and getting feedback on the best way to answer changed me from a rookie to a pro, or something like that. I’d recommend this to any of my friends that want to step their game up before an interview.”



Tampa, FL

“Candidate Club is a blessing to the jobseeker. Job-seeking can be a mentally draining thing to do, especially when you’re going through built up stress from your current job. The tools and resources that Candidate Club gives you are out of this world. I was going through a very stressful time in my current job and wanted to switch career paths and move to a different city. I reached out to Matthew with some questions and he was very prompt to return them.

Within 2-3 weeks after using Candidate Club I had a few interviews with different companies. I landed the 2 job offers in one week within a the field I wanted and in the city I wanted. If I didn’t have the confidence and preparation that Candidate Club offered me, I don’t know where I would be today. I recommend Candidate Club to everyone!”


Tempe, AZ

“Candidate Club provides great examples and real life scenarios for what to expect and how to respond to common questions in all types of interviews. It walks you through step by step why certain answers are stronger than others and helps you stand out from the rest of the job candidates!”