Tough Interview Questions

Here’s a question that just makes my eyes and head pound. Anyone have any suggestions on how to answer this question? Please provide at least two examples of experience researching methods, procedures, and practices in order to determine the effectiveness and efficiency of administrative processes related to human resources, travel, correspondence, or budget.

I would assume that question is looking less for the answer for the question, and more looking at how resourceful you are in finding new information. It would take a quick and well organized response, but they want to know how quickly you can react to new problems/questions and how you can relay that information to managers/etc.

One way to answer would be to quickly create an action list/check list. "First I would research ___, then I would find reliable resources, then I would do a price and implementation comparison, etc."

Here's the situation: Boss, "Hey Little Bird, can you find out what it takes to fly our 12 employees to a conference in ___ in two months without breaking covid restrictions?"

Bad employee: " do I do that? Do you mean style in a hotel"

Good employee: "Give me three hours...looking at our state and ___ state, our restrictions are the same. Our employee manual states ___ we are covered. Group flights cost XXX, hotels are available XXX miles from the conference center. We cover all training and travel costs"


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