How Can I Sell Myself in Interviews?
How can I sell myself in interviews? I try so hard to look and sound confident and I get really nervous. I sometimes probably say too much or not enough. I always forget the questions in research and prepare when they ask, “Do you have any questions for me?”
Thank you for an honest, open question. I'll tell you that confidence is not really something you can fake, or practice - confidence is more of an outcome than a state. So if it's an outcome, how do you begin?
I share your feeling, and I can 100% relate, especially early in my career. I'll tell you what helped me - help might no be the right word - maybe "changed".
First was just embarrassing myself. I would feel nervous, awkward, out of place and perhaps say something stupid at an interview or at work. Luckily, co-workers and managers would give me stupid looks or call me out. Just humiliating. But I didn't hate them for it, I thought about it hard and decided to improve. I have a quick wit which works to my advantage but has also been a downfall. So for me, I had to learn to hold my tongue and not say things as that came to mind.
As I learned to control that, my confidence quickly rose. I'm not perfect, but I can't tell you how much better it feels to be able to hold my tongue, stop and think instead of responding, choose my words wisely.
The next thing that helped me was pushing myself outside of work. I joined professional organizations, non-profit committees, boards - I joined these things in my early twenties where I stuck out like a sore thumb! They were glad to have a young person on board. I was nervous as hell EVERY meeting. My face went red after I spoke. I have a pretty good sense of humor, but it doesn't always stick. Another lesson I learned was to stop trying to be funny. Just be silent and smart. I'm not saying that's you, but that was me.
So push your limits and get involved with organizations with people older and more experience than you. Try and sit at some tables with people that earn much more than you. You will gain confidence from talking to them.
Now think of this - say you are on a non-profit committee and once a month you sit next to a company CEO or President. All of a sudden, you are peers for one hour a month. You can build some rapport with that person. You will learn that she is a friendly human that enjoys your company. If you want, ask questions, ask her to get coffee and learn her story. Now fast forward to your next interview - you won't be interviewing with a CEO, you will be interviewing with people much "lower" (no offense) in the organization. All of a sudden, they won't seem so intimidating. You've learned to talk/sit next to the big boss, and your perspective of these people has shifted.
In short, when you make mistakes, be a little hard on yourself - just hard enough for introspection and determination to improve. Second, gain exposure to professionals much higher on the ladder than you. When I was younger I ended up in rooms with people 20 years older than me and with high positions. When I went back to networking groups/interviews with people closer to my age, everything seemed MUCH easier.
As far as the questions - write them down before hand and bring them with you! Bringing a portfolio to your interview looks BETTER than bringing a resume and then being empty handed after giving it to the interview. In your portfolio, write down all your questions. Interview Training makes a huge difference, so be ready to cross them off if there are answered during the interview. If you have new questions during the interview, don't interrupt the flow by asking them, write them down during the interview, then ask them when you are asked if you have any questions.
Building confidence takes practice and it requires new experiences and pushing your comfort zone. You can do it, and you will be glad you did! Never stop working to improve yourself. Eventually you will find others looking up to you, and you can step up and help them as well.
“Your reply helped me so much. Honestly, I always walk into interviews empty handed... I’d like to have a portfolio with me... I just thought If I had things written down or asked questions from a piece of paper I had, I would look... Perhaps forgetful? I’ll make myself up a portfolio today. I’m hoping that will help me feel more prepared and less nervous.
I went to school for medical office administration. I graduated 10 years ago with honors and I’ve only ever been able to land one job in that field. I was an office coordinator for a home healthcare company. It was a mat leave position. Since then, I’ve only been able to work in call centers. I find the work too easy and just unable to get away. All of my experience is related to call center but because I find it so easy, I feel my experience isn’t enough in other fields.
I don’t know what it is about me. I’m overweight, so I can’t help but think that that is also a deciding factor in the hiring process. I hate to say that. I’m trying so hard to better my life but I’ve been trying to get out of the call center industry for 3 years. I get interviews sometimes, I write a cover letter and thank you letter every time. I don’t get call backs or even thanks but no thanks.
I need a ton of help, I think, lol! But I thank you so much for replying to my questions.
Be confident it what you have to offer - it's a lot!
There are portfolios on Amazon for around $10-12 that look great. Having questions written down actually makes you look better - someone who took the time to prep and give real thought into the job. Having questions makes a huge difference. I view candidates without questions as less-interested.
One thing to keep in mind - applying for jobs in a numbers game. I hear from people that have applied 3-5 times in a year and are frustrated. Apply to 20-30-40 places. Apply to jobs you don't think you're super qualified for. You never know if they have an unlisted, upcoming position that they find just right for you.
The more you can remove yourself emotionally from the application/rejection process the better. Remain neutral and determined until the day you get an offer - then go nuts!